Call 651-210-7866 today.
Services are available in person, online, or by phone.
Isolated or overwhelmed caregivers, confused or conflicted families, businesses who want to improve their services, community living management who need staff training or outreach programs, and any community group who wants to be more friendly and supportive to their members. I can also assist and be a liaison between a client family and community living staff when there are difficult situations to work through.
Education and coaching in whatever format that will be most effective for you to increase awareness of the challenges in living with a chronic condition and improve quality of life for everyone, specifically around aging transitions, dementia/Alzheimer's, caregiver support, and end-of-life. I help individuals and the community to prepare, plan, solve problems, and cope. I am also a big advocate of pet therapy!
I have personal experience in my family coping with chronic conditions and living with dementia of the Alzheimer's type. I have been through health decline and end-of-life with family members and I know the feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed, and uncertain about difficult life transitions. I am passionate about helping others live well and maintain their family relationships through these challenging times.
I am out in the community doing educational programs, training and consulting. I coach caregivers and families in a neutral location in the area that is most convenient for them. Or, I am happy to do consults by phone or virtual meetings with long-distance caregivers.
Soon... right now! I believe that education and understanding empowers people to provide the best care and offer the most support for others who are facing life transitions. I hear from caregivers all the time that if "they knew then what they know now", they would have made a different decision, had more options, saved precious finances, and/or been less stressed. Don't wait for a crisis to get help.
I motivate and empower people by sharing information, personal experience, resources, services, and tools. In a family consult, I am a facilitator and serve many roles including educator, care navigator, advocate, mediator, and resource person. Fees are private pay only, typically by the hour, and due at time of service. Just a few hours can make a big difference for living well now and for the future.
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